The Capitalist Tool
Website redesign


Forbes Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan representative of the American financial and economic magazine, one of the most authoritative and well-known economic publications in the world. The magazine received recognition thanks to its bold inquiries in the business world and objective assessments of events, as well as various lists and ratings.
Forbes magazine provides readers with a history of successful projects and their products, a history of project failures and their causes, the life and activities of well-known entrepreneurs, the causes and consequences of high-profile events, ratings of the world's richest people, the biggest show business and athletes' stars, incomes and expenses, business tricks and PR-tricks.


Appearance is the first thing that makes an impression. We developed an image website with a simple and minimal design, focusing on visual content with products so that the site could make a great impression on its visitors.
We conducted studies of thermal maps, and activity maps, to identify the most popular and interesting "buttons" for users. Several scenarios of user behavior on the site were created and tested. Based on the received data, we left the most popular partition buttons, thus unloading the main page, and everything else was hidden in the menu.
Tiography in information portals is very important and we tried to create the most comfortable for reading styles and parameters of texts and headings. For a basis the checked up font Noto Sans which is well read both in Russian, and in the Kazakh languages is taken.


We have developed adaptive web design, so that the website is conveniently viewed from devices of different resolutions and formats. And so the site can work on a smartphone, tablet, laptop and TV with Internet access, that is, on the whole range of devices.